Aquí os dejo un código mío de ejemplo para empezar a aprender a usar variables de tipo básico en Python.
Es recomendable copiar el código y ejecutarlo en un intérprete de Python y, a continuación, realizar los cambios que consideremos oportunos para comprender el funcionamiento.
# This is a comment '''
This is a comment
on multiple lines
# A variable is a symbol that represents a quantity that may vary.
# $identifier = value; age = 25 # The value 25 is assigned to variable age # BASIC DATA TYPES
age = 25 # Integer
temperature = -3.82 # Real number
name = 'Nacho López' # String
has_car = True # Boolean (only two values: True or False) # ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS WITH NUMBERS
x = 5
y = 2 z = x + y # Addition. Result: 7.
z = x - y # Subtraction. Result: 3.
z = x * y # Multiplication. Result: 10.
z = x / y # Division. Result: 2.5.
z = x % y # Modulo (remainder of the integer division). Result: 1. z = z + 1 # Increase the value of z by 1. Result: 2.
z = z - 1 # Decrease the value of z by 1. Result: 1. z = 50 - x * 6 / -0.5 #
z = (50 - x) * 6 / -0.5 # The order of operations is as in mathematics
z = (50 - x * 6) / -0.5 # z = 2 * z + 3 # Remember: the symbol = assigns a value to the variable # BASIC OPERATIONS WITH STRINGS
a = 'GNU/'
b = 'Linux'
c = a + b # Concatenation Result: 'GNU/Linux'.
c = a * 3 # Repetition Result: 'GNU/GNU/GNU/'. # PRINT VARIABLES ON SCREEN print('Hello, world!') # Prints on screen: Hello, world!
print(x) # Prints the variable x # You can print on screen strings and variables
print('I have bought', x, 'oranges and', y, 'lemons.') # DATA TYPE CONVERSION height = '95.4'
print(type(height)) # Prints the current data type
height = float(height) # Convert a string to a real number
print(type(height)) altitude = -544.432
altitude = str(altitude) # Convert a real number to string